
ENDALOK – Úr Draumheimi Viðurstyggðar/Englaryk LP

Original price was: 180.00 kr.Current price is: 100.00 kr.

Hot off the heels of their critically acclaimed debut demo, Englaryk, Iceland’s ENDALOK strike again – and quickly – with their debut mini-album, Úr Draumheimi Viðurstyggðar.
While they still may bear some of the same immersive traits as their established countrymen, ENDALOK here a bold assertion of their own, unique identity. Across its 24-minute runtime, the five tracks that comprise Úr Draumheimi Viðurstyggðar explode with a weirder, wilder, and more winding distillation of everything that made Englaryk so immediately engrossing – and entrancing. Within its soundworld, ENDALOK dwell within a ritualistic sort of womb that hauntingly gestates, pulsing with a distant-yet-overwhelming cadence that subtly shapeshifts. It’s a similarly shadowy dance as Englaryk – that sense of slow-motion vertigo, as different beyond-the-shade textures come into focus, only to wither away again – but given grim, hideous purpose as the band’s confidence in their vision grows. Still young, ENDALOK are weaving sorcery like masters on Úr Draumheimi Viðurstyggðar.
As a bonus, the vinyl edition features the entire Englaryk demo the B-side!!

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Weight 350 g