SEWERCIDE – Immortalized In Suffering CD


Australia can be a harsh, hostile place to live. It is fitting that a continent of arid deserts and every creature poisonous and toothy has produced so much great extreme metal. To those ranks, add relative newcomers Sewercide. The Melbourne-based band has actually been around five years now, building their name and sound across a string of splits and EPs, and through relentless live shows at home and abroad. Now at last comes their debut full-length “Immortalized In Suffering,”.

Evolving out of an aggressive death/thrash (think Demolition Hammer) sound, Sewercide have now planted their flag firmly in the heat-blasted dirt known as death metal. Influenced by Australian greats Misery and Necrotomy, as well as revered American bands such as Morbid Angel, Gorguts and Immolation, this album marks a turning point and a new high water mark for the band. It will surely satiate any listener hungry for pure, aggressive, gore-soaked death metal.

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Weight 100 g