
COSCRADH – Of Death And Delirium MCD

Original price was: $10.25.Current price is: $7.69.

Every element of Of Death and Delirium takes its predecessor to more extreme lengths. Playing, production, songwriting, atmosphere: verily, this is the severest Metal of Death given fuller flight and more far flung into the great abyss. Gnarled and gnawing, possessive of a molten muscularity that always threatens to explode into chaos, Coscradh now finesse their towering creations with a keen attention to nuance; underneath, the primordial waters of time eternal swirl ever more dangerously and direly. Spewing forth three despair-ridden odes to suffering, violence, and madness, Of Death and Delirium confesses a cacophony of death metal majesty that soundtracks horrors seen and unseen – and within, Coscradh stand intrepid, in control but fatefully locked into a state of primal psychosis.

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Weight 100 g


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