CADAVERIC FUMES – Dimensions Obscure MLP


Second press!
Purple Vinyl.

Release Date: Feb.20th, 2017.

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Always on the hunt for the freshest, most diseased sounds in death metal, BLOOD HARVEST RECORDS is proud to present CADAVERIC FUMES' debut mini-album, Dimensions Obscure. With their split mini-album with Demonic Oath in 2014, CADAVERIC FUMES showed that a French death metal uprising was at hand, and now with Dimensions Obscure, they make good on that bountiful potential. Compared to their earlier work on that split and the preceding demo, here on Dimensions Obscure, CADAVERIC FUMES forego the all-manic/all-the-time morbidity for a highly dynamic and nuanced take on death metal. Granted, flashes of mid '80s insanity and early '90s darkness remain, but a cool confidence is at play here, each passage measured to inflict both maximum cranial damage and spiritual atmosphere. These songs exude a patience and maturity most death metal bands take many albums to accomplish, if at all, and all without compromising the core values of total and utter DEATH METAL. Putting the finishing touch on a swift 'n' compact totality, the production across Dimensions Obscure is as warm and live as it gets, but not once is an ounce of clarity sacrificed. Hear the beginning of something masterful and enter Dimensions Obscure…

Additional information

Weight 350 g