GUTVOID – Astral Bestiary CASSETTE


GUTVOID hail from Toronto, Ontario and quickly set to work on their first public recording. While Astral Bestiary is indeed the quartet's first recording, the members of GUTVOID collectively contain a wealth of experience within Canada's extreme metal scene, and it duly shows in the EP's eldritch-yet-fresh attack. Ominously swarming, churning forth with world-eating Metal of Death that devours the listener whole, GUTVOID traverse a wealth of compositional territory within the record's three-song/24-minute runtime, dragging that listener across fetid slime and bestial grind, funereal doom and industrial-sized stomp, and even catchy headbanging parts…before the sinister slipstream takes that listener under, with all finality. To their credit, the quartet evade so much of the riff-less murk characterizing nowadays “sepulchral” death metal; if anything, Astral Bestiary maintains a refreshingly clear aspect, allowing every note to ring true and terrorizing. But make no mistake: this onslaught is literally MASSIVE, in every sense of the word.

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Weight 80 g